Maryam Jameelah 1934-2012
“[w]hen I embraced Islam, this meant to me not only a change of faith but even more important, a transference of my allegiance from Western to Islamic civilization.”

Maryam Jameelah
The Islamic Literary
Society wishes everyone
a Ramadan Mubarak.
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July publication.
All submissions
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by 29th of June 2024
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Boundless Creativity:
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OTHER WORD International
Journal of Creative Writing.

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"Even as it exposes the intricate traumas of exile, the text subtly yields glimmers of shared loss and humanity across racial, religious, and political lines, advancing Kanafani’s conviction that oppressed and oppressor are deeply interrelated through modes of victimisation. If freedom is indivisible, the oppressors, somewhat paradoxically, needs to be liberated from their blind spots as much as the oppressed need to be reclaimed from their material destitution"

‘Returning to Haifa’:
Ghassan Kanafani and the Hope Within Hopeless Spaces
Article by
Adnan Mahmud
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Dr. Muhammad
Muhammad Hamidullah, born on 19 February 1908 – 17 December 2002) was a distinguished scholar in the fields of hadith studies (muhaddith) and Islamic jurisprudence (faqih), renowned for his extensive academic contributions. Proficient in an impressive array of 22 languages, which encompassed Urdu (his native language), Persian, Arabic, French, English, German, Italian, Greek, Turkish, and Russian, among others, Hamidullah authored numerous books and contributed hundreds of articles on subjects related to Islamic science, history, and culture. His scholarly works were published in various languages, reflecting his wide-reaching impact and reach. Remarkably, even at the age of 84, he was engaged in the study of the Thai language, exemplifying his enduring commitment to scholarship.
Slide We are now pleased to announce our first publication authored by Hisham Hauari. It is an engaging poem that tells the tale of mankind from the beginning to the present. Though a true history, it is fused with an Islamic account of some things that may not be historically demonstrable. The book evokes various emotions: a pleasure to read, interesting and also grim. The seeds of the idea to write an historical account of humanity had been sown in the author’s mind over a decade ago. The result is the culmination of a succinct book called The Chain.

Praise for the book:

“A poem of Miltonian proportions...”
Dr. Mahmoud Khalifa, South Valley University, Egypt

“I would invite the reader to enjoy and appreciate the poem The Chain and benefit from the wisdom that it contains.”
Dr. Mahmudul Hasan, Assoc. Prof., International Islamic University, Malaysia
Alhamdulillah, the Islamic Literary Society is pleased to announce its first publication. Click Here

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Culture and Imperialism

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Beneath the Crimson Circle

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The Signifying Slave

Dr. Mahmoud Khalifa

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My concurrence with Samuel Huntington’s book title, “Clash of Civilizations,” although not necessarily with the book’s content, holds some relevance in this context. I contend that there exists a clash between two civilizations. However, the clash is not as theorized by Huntington, but rather between a civilization that upholds moral integrity, possesses spiritual richness, and brings about benefits for all of humanity through divine guidance and prophetic traditions, and a civilization that is founded upon racism, dehumanization, and, most importantly, moral corruption. The individuals examined in this study, as presented by Aljunied, must acknowledge the fact that complete equality among individuals may not be attainable, but through the implementation of Divine laws and traditions, a sense of equality can be established.


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