Islamic Da‘wah: Discourse and Method

Islamic Da‘wah: Discourse and Method

By Nazir Ahmad Zargar Reviewed by Dr Tauseef Ahmad Parray Da‘wah (preaching of Islam) is one of the notable topics in Islam and a significant genre of Islamic scholarship, to which both Muslims and non-Muslims have contributed significantly. Numerous works have been written on the subject of Da‘wah—its philosophy, methodology, pedagogy, prominence, tactics, discourse, and other…

Revisiting ‘Women Empowerment’ vis-à-vis Islam

Revisiting ‘Women Empowerment’ vis-à-vis Islam

Title: Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and Empowerment of Women—A Prophetic Model of Emancipation of Women. Author: Zaira Ashraf Khan. Publication Details: New Delhi, India: Viva Books Pvt. Ltd., 2022. Pages: 124; ISBN: 978-93-93329-14-1; Paperback; Price: INR 595/- Reviewed by Dr Tauseef Ahmad Parray In his Islam in Historical Perspective, Alexander Knsyh (Routledge, 2017) has devoted a…