Ahmed ibn Hanbal

Ahmed ibn Hanbal

Review by Abdul Hai Writing a historical biography of any significant figure is always challenging, particularly when it concerns a figure like Imam Ahmed ibn Hanbal. Several challenges arise when an author from outside the tradition attempts to craft a biography of someone whose religious beliefs they do not share. These challenges, no matter how…

Abu Hanifa: His Life, Legal Method and Legacy by Shaykh Akram Nadwi

Abu Hanifa: His Life, Legal Method and Legacy by Shaykh Akram Nadwi

Reviewed by: Dr M Mansur AliCardiff University This very short, albeit highly erudite work of hagiography has been written by a scholar who has engaged with Abu Hanifa and his legacy for a very long time. By using only the most authentic reports found in the classical Islamic prosopographical collections, original Arabic and Urdu sources…