De Puerto Rico To Islam With Love: A Collection of Poetry About Identity and Faith

De Puerto Rico To Islam With Love: A Collection of Poetry About Identity and Faith

De Puerto Rico To Islam With Love: A Collection of Poetry About Identity and Faith By Wendy Díaz Reviewed by Hamzah Vargas “A New Minority Makes Itself Known: Hispanic Muslims” reported the New York Times in December of 2001 not long after the September 11 attacks began the ‘War on Terror’, an era in which…

The Leaf of the Neem Tree

The Leaf of the Neem Tree

“In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful” Reviewed by: Abdul Hai Before starting the review of Jamal Mehmood’s The Leaf of the Neem Tree, I would like to share what Imaam Abu Bakr Muhammad ibn Yahya Al- Suli (d.947) stated in his biography of the poet  Abu Tammam Ḥabib Ibn Aws …

The Chain

The Chain

“In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful” The Chain Hesham Hauari Reviewed by Abdul Hai It is said that the famous poet Abu Tayyib Al Mutanabbi fled the battlefield and someone said to him, “Are you running away? Are you not the one who said,  الخيل والليل والبيداء تعرفني والسيف والرمح…