Coming on July 2024

“Step into the vibrant world of ‘Other Words,‘ the inaugural edition of the Islamic Literary Society’s international journal, offering Muslim writers and poets a platform to express their talent and creativity. Download, share, and contribute to this enriching celebration of diverse voices in creative writing and poetry.”

We are now pleased to announce our first publication authored by Hisham Hauari. It is an engaging poem that tells the tale of mankind from the beginning to the present. Though a true history, it is fused with an Islamic account of some things that may not be historically demonstrable. The book evokes various emotions: a pleasure to read, interesting and also grim. The seeds of the idea to write an historical account of humanity had been sown in the author’s mind over a decade ago. The result is the culmination of a succinct book called The Chain.

“A poem of Miltonian proportions…”
Dr. Mahmoud Khalifa, South Valley University, Egypt

“I would invite the reader to enjoy and appreciate the poem The Chain and benefit from the wisdom that it contains.”
Dr. Mahmudul Hasan, Assoc. Prof., International Islamic University, Malaysia